"ALCHEMY" – the project of three artists – Natalia Tsekhomskaya, Felix Volossenkov & Alexey Yarygin
“Alchemy” – the project of three artists – Natalia Tsekhomskaya, Felix Volossenkov & Alexey Yarygin. They work in a different techniques, but tell us about similar things.Project “Alchemy” is a proof of possibility of creation of Art “gold” with the participation of “Philosophic Stone” – Talent – from the simply things around us.The aim of project – try to show by artistic visual art, that our world is a wonderful, amazing mystery. Every little piece of our world is some another Universe, with personal life, laws, emotions, mystic… to show, that trough the visual art we could cognize another reality of the world we live.This project is a attempt to pay attention of a viewers to: our world is difficult, pattern, ambivalent… The beginning & end of our world are in a single moment. In a modern, man-triggered world the role of ancient symbols is very important… It could get a partial clue of this world.
Natalia Tsekhomskaya
an artist,
A member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Contemporary Art ( SPACA )
A member of the Russian Artist’s Union
A member of Russian Photographer’s Union
Author of 49 solo exhibitions in Russia & abroad.
Participant of many group exhibitions in Russia & abroad.
permanent collections:
Russian State Museum , St.Petersburg, Russia
State Museum of St.Petersburg History, Russia
Russian National Library
Museum of the Fine Arts of Karelia, Petrozavodsk
Museum of Non-Conformist Art , St.Petersburg , Russia .
State Museum of Arts of Tatarstan , Kazan , Russia .
State Museum of Arts , Komsomolsk-na-Amure , Russia .
Novosibirsk Regional Gallery, Novosibirsk, Russia
Anna Akhmatova’s Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Museum of Lev Gumilyov , St.Petersburg , Russia .
Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia.
Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, the USA
Museum of the Fine Arts,Boston, Massachusetts, the USA
Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, the USA
Zimmerly Museum, Dodge Collection, NJ, the USA
Collection of the Navigator Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts, the USA
Collection of Art/Omi, New York City, NY, the USA
Art Museum, Crosno, Poland
Collection of Art Center “Vagabond Dog”, Russia.
Museum of Chekhov Moscow Artistic Theater, Russia.
Russian Ethnography Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Astrakhan State Art Gallery, Russia.
A.S.Popov central Museum of Communications, Russia .
Stavropol State Art Gallery, Russia .
Diaghilev Art Center , Saint Petersburg , Russia .
Collection of “Master-class” international foundation , Russia .
Malikin Collection , Boston , The USA .
Yakovlev Collection , Russia .
Blagodatov Collection , Russia .
Stern Collection , Russia .
Alexandra Lankinen Collection , Russia .
Strasburg Collection , England .
Tsekhomsky collection, Moscow, Russia.
Pancini Collection , Italy .
Shalygin collection , Russia .
Private Collections in Russia, Germany, Italy,
the UK, the Netherlands , the USA .
*Natalia Tsekhomskaya was included by I.C.A. Publishing Company (New York) as an artist, who presents contemporary art of Russia, to the international catalog of the best world artists of 2011(Vol.3) & 2012 (Vol.4, Vol.5) and 2013 (Vol.6, Vol.7), 2014 (Vol. 8).
*Natalia Tsekhomskaya is a finalist of International Art Festival “Eco Arts -2011-2012”(USA) – 3-rd place, work “Noon”.
* L’ELITE Selezione Arte Internazionale Cup, Italy, September, 2014.
*Medal of International Biennale of Visual Arts “Sigh of the World”, Diploma & status “Master of Fine Art”, New York (I.C.A.) – Athens (I.C.A.) – Corinaldo - Ancona – Senigallia, Italy, 2013.
*Medal of 3-rd International Biennale of Visual Arts & Literature, Diploma & status “Master of Fine Art”, Ancona – Senigallia, Italy, 2012.
FELIX VOLOSSENKOV, born in 15.04.1944
President of Saint Petersburg Academy of Contemporary Art of Immortals
Member of the Artists’ Union of Russia
Member of the Artists’ Association of Italy
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Arts
permanent collections:
The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
State Tretiakovskaya Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
Theater Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Museum of City Sculpture, St. Petersburg, Russia
State Museum of the St. Petersburg History, Russia
State museum of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Moscow, Russia.
Donetsk Fine Art Museum, Ukraine.
Museum of Modern Art , Minsk , Belorussia
Moscow Modern Art Museum, Moscow, Russia.
National Art Museum of Belorussia .
Nonconformist Art Museum St. Petersburg, Russia
Museum of Art , Komsomolsk-na-Amure , Russia .
Museum of Art , Yakutsk , republick Saha , Russia .
Orenbourg State Museum of Fine Arts , Russia .
State Museum of Art , Republic Tatarstan , Kazan , Russia .
Samara Art Gallery , Samara , Russia .
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holand.
Museum of the Fine Art of Karelia, Petrosavodsk, Russia
Museum of Chekhov Moscow Artistic Theater , Russia.
Kaliningrad State Art Gallery , Russia .
Segege State Museum , Karelia .
National Library, St. Petersburg, Russia
State Artistic Culture Museum of Novgorod Land , Russia
Diaghilev Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
Anna Akhmatova’s Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Novosibirsk Regional Gallery, Novosibirsk , Russia
Magnitogorsk State art Gallery , Russia .
A.S.Popov Central Museum of Communications , Russia .
Manège, Collection of Contemporary Art , St. Petersburg , Russia
Saint Petersburg Toy’s Museum , Saint Petersburg , Russia
Saint Petersburg State University , Russia .
Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum , Denmark .
Malbork Zamek Museum , Poland .
Bachrushin Museum, Moscow, Russia
Sakima Art Museum, Okinava, Japan.
State Museum of Art , Nikolaev , Ukraine
Russian Art Museum, Kiev, Ukraine
Astrakhan State Art Gallery, Russia
Stavropol State Art Gallery, Russia
Kazakhstan State Art Museum , Alma-Ata .
Far East Art Museum, Khabarovsk, Russia
Tver State Art Gallery, Russia
Tomsk State Art Museum, Russia
Perm Art Gallery, Perm, Russia
Lomonosov Porcelain Factory Museum collection, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Russia Culture Foundation, Moscow, Russia
“ Aurora ” gallery collection , Tver , Russia .
“Master-class” foundation collection , Russia .
Narva Art Museum, Narva, Estonia
Zimmerly Museum, Dodge Collection, NJ, the USA
Art Museum, Crosno, Poland
Sergio Golferini Collection, Switzerland
Malikin Collection , the USA
Detlev Auvermann Collection, Germany
Peter Chernyak Collection, Germany
Barbara Dyksinska Collection, Poland
Filippo Visconti Collection, Italy
Stekker Collection, Austria
Mr. Rye ( Jean Art Center ) Collection, Seoul, South Korea
ALEXEY YARYGIN was born on August 15, 1969 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg that time), Russia.
Artist, member of international Union of artists, poets, writers & musicians ( Union I )
Member of Artistic Association of Strasbourg (Association du Corbeau)
Member of International Federation of Artists (IFA)
He studied at the Leningrad State University (1986 – 1992), graduated from
Saint Petersburg Academy of Contemporary Art, and participated in the master classes of Felix Volosenkov.
Yarygin’s work has been shown in 49 personal (solo) and many group exhibitions in Russia, Finland, Germany, England, Estonia, France, Luxembourg and the U.S.
Yarygin participated in a few International Biennale of visual arts, Art Fairs & Art Shows.
His paintings are found in :
*Collection of State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
*Collection of State Museum of Fine Arts, Republic Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia.
*Collection of Konstantinovsky Palace Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
*Collection of State Museum of Art, Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia.
*Collection of Tver State Art Gallery, Russia.
*Collection of Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg, Russia.
*Collection of Contemporary Art Gallery “ Aurora“, Tver , Russia.
*Collection of Diaghilev Art Center
* Collection of The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications,
St. Petersburg, Russia.
*Collection of Mark Rothko Center, Daugavpils, Latvia.
*Mary Kay company collection ( Moscow ) .
*Collection of Jean Art Center , Seoul , Korea .
* Collection of “Vagabond dog” Art Center , St.Petersburg , Russia .
* Collection of “European Capital” Gallery , St.Petersburg , Russia .
* Collection of “Master-class” foundation , Russia .
*Collection of Association Du Corbeau, Strasbourg, France.
*Colection of "Henrietten-Stiftung" foundation, Hanover, Germany.
*Collection of Pushkin Culture Center, Luxembourg.
*private collections of Russia, Germany, Italy, Finland, England, Korea, Canada, France, Luxembourg & the US .
Awards: * I.C.A. Cup, New York – Athens, September, 2014.
*Golden Medal of 5-th International Biennale of Visual Arts “Sigh of the World”, Corinaldo, Italy - New York (I.C.A) – Athens (Greece, I.C.A.), 2013.
*Golden Medal of 3-rd International Biennale of Visual Arts & Literature, status “Master of Fine Art”, Ancona – Senigallia, Italy, 2012.
*Diploma & Medal of Mark Rothko Art Center, 2009.
*Diploma of Nancy Government – St. Petersburg Government, 2006.
Alexey Yarygin was included by I.C.A. Publishing Company (New York) as an artist, who presents contemporary art of Russia, to the international catalogs of the best world artists of 2011 (Vol.3), of 2012 (Vol.4, Vol.5) & of 2013 (Vol.6, Vol.7), 2014 (Vol. 8).
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